Sunday, January 9, 2011

New Year, New Ideas

So this year my goal, aka NYR, is to appreciate those around me more. This may seem easy, but when it is someone you don't particularly care for, it is a challenge. Oh yes, I still deal with pain everyday, but I am trying to learn to deal with that as well as still focus on my goal for this year.

At the church we attend, we are doing an awakening fast, basically for 21 days the church as a whole is fasting something in someway so we can grow closer to God. For me, I always thought that fasting is not only a matter of the heart, but also has to be a true sacrifice. Usually, it comes to me what I need to fast. One year it was a certain shopping channel. That may seem trivial, however, when you purpose in your heart to give it up, then you notice a difference. This year it is for me rock music. Ya know the cool 80's hairbands. This is a sacrifice, as my Ipod is quite loaded with music that I love.... I am purposing to listen to good christian music for the entire 21days and beyond, if I feel it necessary. Put good in, get good out.
I am truly looking forward to this new year, and it will be quite a busy one, but I know there are great things in store for my and my family.

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